Start Up in Vietnam: Reality and Recommendations

Pham Van Hong

Hanoi School of Business and Management Vietnam National University (VNU)
Hanoi, Vietnam
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Business and entrepreneurs are key factors for national economic development. They not only ontribute mainly to gross domestic product (GDP), but also resolve many different social issues such as job creation, income generation and poverty reduction. However, actual operation of business, especially start up and youth entrepreneurs are facing difficulties, both from government policies and social attitude. Based on secondary documents including statistic numbers and government policies, the paper focuses on the analysis and assessment of start-up and young entrepreneur’s reality, as well as start-up related government policies aim to propose some suggestions for pushing up start-up activities to promote entrepreneurship and economic development in Vietnam.

Keywords: start up, government policy, enterprise, entrepreneurship.
JEL codes: M5, O20, O22, L53, L84,, F55.


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