Krishn A. Goyal.
Department of Business and Economics,
Jai Narain Vyas University, India
Teena Mertiya
Department of Economic Administration and Financial Mangement
Jai Narain Vyas University, India
Tulus Tambunan
Center for Industry, SME and Business Competition Study,
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti,
Jakarta, Indonesia
Throughout history, India has been receptive to cultural inputs and has prospered largely in turn. But in the past decade or so, we have witnessed significant cultural shifts, raising concerns that traditional practices might get supplanted. Consequently, in modern culture, there are passionate disputes not only about governance and financial matters but also regarding revolutions in attire, style, music, stories, linguistics, and behavior. it has also created uncertainty as a result of the disintegration of conventional economic standards. It has increased unpredictability among young people, and this deep turbulence may contribute to exacerbating dominance and conflicts. The repercussions of globalisation are a mixed bag, both positive and terrible. This paper discusses this issue, such as the impact of digitalization on economy and culture in India.