Policy Discussion Series

2024 Series

Center for Industry, SME and Business Competition Studies, University of Trisakti

Center for Industry, SME and Business Competition Studies, University of Trisakti

The Center for Industry, SME and Business Competition Studies was founded in 2004 as part of the Faculty of Economics University of Trisakti, before it became a research institute of the University of Trisakti in 2015. 

The Center has four objectives, namely (i) to undertake research and policy analyses and provide policy recommendations on issues which are relevant or important with respect to industrial development, SMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises), and business/market competitions. The issues cover such as economic development, international trade, regional economic relations in the context of APEC and ASEAN, poverty, and many others; (ii) to fostering policy research capabilities of researchers inside the University of Trisakti, particularly the Faculty of Economics; (iii) to provide forum for policy dialogues and interactions among researchers, policymakers, business community, and civil society on the above mentioned issues; and (iv) to provide supports such as training and information to the business community, particularly MSMEs. 

The main activities of the Center are (i) publications (e.g. working paper series, policy discussion paper series, books, and an international journal); (ii) series of forum on Indonesian economic issues; (iii) trainings and workshops; (iv) national and international seminars; (v) research;  and (vi) annual national survey on global competitiveness of Indonesia in collaboration with the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Geneva (Swiss).